60 Of The Best 1984 Quotes
George Orwell is the author of Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, which has also been published as: 1984. This book was published in 1949, so it is based on an imagined future. It has become a clear example of political and dystopian fiction. Orwell's depiction of a totalitarian government and the use of media manipulation and advanced technology to control people is explained in his book. The main character is Winston Smith, who lives in a fictional London in Oceania. Here, "Big Brother" is in control and citizens live in a repressive society. Smith and Julia, who he falls in love with, try to rebel against this oppressive government.
Many people believe there is a parallelism between the society that Orwell describes in his book and current society, in which information is manipulated and political and social repression exists. This is also called the Orwellian society.
This is a 'must' reading, but if you're not sure about starting to read it or you want to remember some of Orwell's best quotes from 1984, read this article and enjoy!