Republic day is a very important and special event in India which took place in 1950. Many people celebrate this day with joy and it is very remarkable for them. If you want to share your happiness with your friends through your social media, read these happy Republic Day WhatsApp status and let your friends know how important it is this occasion for you.
1Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.
2We are all proud to be Indian.
4Thousands laid down their lives so that our country breath this day; never forget their sacrifice. Happy Republic day.
5Let us remember the golden heritage of our country and feel proud to be a part of India.
6One flag, one land, one heart, one hand. Happy Republic Day
7Like this land, may you have independence in your life.
8Solitude is independence.
9Wishing you all a very Happy Republic Day!
10Gratitude to all our brothers who scarified their lives for the nation.