Top 15 Peter Pan Picture Quotes

Top 15 Peter Pan Picture Quotes

Top 15 Peter Pan Picture Quotes
Top 15 Peter Pan Picture Quotes | iSTOCK
Peter Pan picture quotes - “All it takes is faith and trust, oh! and something I forgot: dust.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - "So come with me where dreams are born and time is never planned. Just think of happy things and your heart will fly on wings forever in never never land."


Peter Pan picture quotes - “Stop playing and help me find my shadow! Shadow, shadow...”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “There it is, Wendy! Second star to the right and straight on ’til morning.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - "Think of all the joy you’ll find when you leave the world behind."


Peter Pan picture quotes - “Now, think of the happiest things. It’s the same as having wings!”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “Blast that Peter Pan. If I could only find his hideout, I’d trap him in his lair.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “I wouldn’t want this to go any further, but the cook told me that the first mate told him that he heard that Pan has banished Tinker Bell.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “After all, one can’t leave his shadow lying about and not miss it sooner or later, don’t you agree?”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “I propose we leave for home at once.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “But mother, I don’t want to grow up.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “Poor Nana. Oh, yes, poor Nana. But poor father? Oh, no.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “George, dear, do hurry! We mustn’t be late for the party, you know.”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “Peter Pan will save us!”


Peter Pan picture quotes - “But we mustn’t judge Peter too harshly, me dear. It’s that Wendy who’s to blame.”